Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Tips to Make Your Meetings More Productive

 3 Tips to Make Your Meetings More Productive

“It is time for a business-related meeting.”  How do those words make you feel?  Do you feel like something productive will come out of the congregation, or think that it is going to be waste of time and productivity at hand?

So, how can you ensure you always host the former feeling?  Consider ways to host productive meetings at your place of business.

If each member of the meeting is held accountable for particular areas of the business, disseminating associated information at each meet, there is greater chance of achieved momentum.
Set goals and minor achievements leading up to each meeting to-be addressed.  Make one member accountable for reporting whether goals reached or not.  Creating accountability helps team members ‘visualize’ contributions to the business.
What happened to last week’s meeting?  It was cancelled; Bob had to leave early to get his children from school.  This week, it’s pushed back to Friday afternoon, a time when members wish they were driving home rather than staying at work.  Wavering consistency does not build respect and high regard for the contents of the meeting.  If the meeting is not held in high regard, it becomes less effective and productive.
Ensure your team is responsible for being present at each meeting.  Have the meeting take place at scheduled times on assigned days and make an attempt to keep time and place uniform.
Consider the layout of a rugby team’s defensive strategy.  Each player on the field is assigned an area of the field, a particular position.  Each player has a set purpose and goal every time the ball is recycled.  The level of participation at a business meeting should be similar.

Is each member assigned a function in the meeting – a facilitator, a recorder, a mediator, etc?  Furthermore, does the structure of the meeting invite opportunity for all members to participate, engage, and feel respected and valued?  Meetings demand time away from the desk and individual contributions; do participants feel their time away is valued and respected?  

Make an outline for each meeting, addressing agendas and individual contributions.  All members will be prepared for what’s to come, optimizing the time available.

People have to be held accountable, while at the same time executives and leaders need ensure all team members are engaged and contribute.  Teams need leaders who can effectively direct, using given time at hand.  How productive can you make your meetings?

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